Marketplace & Development Enterprises

Community Development

Much has been written in recent years about Christians truly working to help address a community’s needs. We cannot say we love God and walk on the other side of the road, ignoring the needs of the poor – of the orphan and the widow and the foreigner.

We at MDE understand that life cannot be compartmentalized into neat little boxes. We understand that our physical, spiritual, emotional and financial needs and health are intertwined and that brokenness in one can cause pain or brokenness in another. We are looking for mature believers who also understand this, want to be a part of a team that brings hope to the hopeless, that brings the presence and message of Jesus to those who have not experienced his touch or heard his truth.

If you are interested in joining with us in this, please let us know. You can do this by completing a short Community Development Information Form describing your skills and/or interest or by becoming an MDE member and working with us to help you fit your particular skills, training, experiences and passion with a particular opportunity.