Marketplace & Development Enterprises

Authentic Presence
In Unreached Communities

So that everyone may experience the love and hear the message of Jesus

Our Vision … Our Goal

Our vision is to see thousands of mature Christ-followers taking
the presence and message of Christ to the millions who have little to no hope of
experiencing God's love or hearing truth in their communities.

Countries are now reopening their borders and welcoming business people who can bring value to their local communities. This creates a window of opportunity for MDE to launch and support many more BAM ventures in 2023.  Will you consider a one-time, or even a monthly gift, to help MDE seize this moment?


We believe this work is best done through relationships built in the natural setting of the “marketplace” of a community. Relationships that are developed by working alongside people—either as a fellow employee or as the owner of a business.

Our goal is to help connect those Christ-followers with opportunities and resources that encourage and enable them to use their vocational skills and passions in unreached communities for the purpose of teaming with others in planting healthy, reproducing churches through the natural relationships that flow from working and living in authentic ways in those communities.



Work as an employee of an international company or a local business in an unreached community.


Form and run a self-sustaining, profitable business in an unreached community.


Create or participate in initiatives that invest in impoverished communities to foster economic, environmental or social growth.