Marketplace & Development Enterprises

Posts Tagged with: North Africa

Uganda: Rising Above Poverty

“God equips the called,” said Rosie, the founder of Shakan Global Mission. Jill, her business advisor (called a BAM Team Manager) with MDE, said of Rosie, “She is a warrior,” and explained that Rosie started her BAM (Business as Mission) journey because of a calling, not because of any business expertise. When she first went … Continue reading “Uganda: Rising Above Poverty”

Incarnational Lifestyle

Without the incarnation of Christ, we could not know the Father. Christians follow Christ’s example when they intentionally enter into the lives of their neighbors, identify with them and seek to bring the message and love of Jesus Christ. This lifestyle looks different depending on the context, but it can be described as incarnational ministry.

When a Business Loss Becomes Gain

My training was in church and nonprofit business, but when I reached North Africa, starting a church was out of the question. So for-profit business became the natural way to impact the community. This had not been my plan, but the more I became involved in business, the more I realized my previous church-based objectives of spreading the gospel and strengthening disciples were still appropriate in the business context.